
Hello! I am Scott Burgholzer. I am an Solutions Architect, Developer, Cloud Administrator, and AWS Enthusiast. Outside of AWS and the cloud, I enjoy Amateur Radio (callsign WX9SAB), storm chasing, diamond art and reading. The cloud, and especially AWS has become my passion after learning about it at school and working to migrate a company to the cloud.

Basic Information
Chicagoland, Illinois, USA
Work Experience

May 2018 - Present

Weather Command (Murray and Trettel, Inc.)
IT Support Meteorologist

Transitioned to a full-time employee. Continued forecasting duties as necessary (forecasts, answering phones), otherwise focused on IT. Started our migration to the cloud by migrating our webserver from GoDaddy to AWS EC2 directly. Once completed, moved our database from the EC2 instance to AWS RDS. After COVID hit, and network impacts of using remote desktop software, migrated our desktops to AWS Workspaces, while keeping the remote desktop software for backup use and IT administation. Implemented AWS SES within our Snowfall Report Website. Currently looking at ways to move a lot of our EC2 webserver to event driven serverless and API.

April 2017 - May 2018

Weather Command (Murray and Trettel, Inc.)
Contractor for IT, Programming and Weather Forecasting

Assisted in creating forecasts for clients and gathering weather data for clients. Forecasts averaged a Root Mean Squared Error of 4.428. Assisted in creating new Excel Workbooks with Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). Created and maintained databases for storing information and web interfaces to manipulate and view the data. Wrote Python scripts to make workload more dynamic. Mostly all on-prem IT work.

December 2016 - April 2017

Weather Command (Murray and Trettel, Inc.)

One of four interns assisting in calling clients to verify they got our warnings (short term forecasts - 3-4+ hour long) as dictated by client contracts. Sent out updates to clients about current weather and short term (1-3 hours) forecasts.

January 2013 - Feburary 2017

College of DuPage Meteorology
iOS App Developer - iPhone

One of two student volunteer developers for the "NEXLAB Model Viewer" app on iPhones. Worked with College of DuPage IT staff for developer accounts and worked with the Meteorology Program's (NEXLAB) web developer for custom API calls for the app to use.

October 2013 - April 2016

Blue Water Outlook

Researched meteorology for emails sent out to customers. Created a python program to automatically plot climate data for states and regions of the United States which reduced labor time by at least 40%.

AWS Portfolio / Skills

September 2023 - October 2023

Terraform Beginners Bootcamp

This bootcamp was a hands-on experience building a static website using S3 and CloudFront using Terraform. In addition to learning how the workflow of Terraform, It was also required to code a custom provider to interact with a third party API created just for this bootcamp. GitHub and workflows were learned as well.

For more information, read more on my blog.

June 2023 - November 2023

Cloud Mastery Bootcamp - AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate

This is one section of many from Digital Cloud Training's Cloud Mastery Bootcamp. This section was live from June 3 to July 12, but due to work and personal reasons, it took me through November to complete this section.

This section of the bootcamp, had a mix of on-demand video training, live class training (which were recorded), practice exams for the CSAA exam and hands on exercises.

All of the links to all hands on for any section of the bootcamp, visit my post listing them all.

Education and Certifications

Starting January 2024

Doctor of Technology (D.Tech)

Starting Purdue University's online Doctor of Technology program in Janurary 2024.

2017 - 2019

Master's Degree

Master of Science in Data Science with a concentration in Computer Science at Lewis University Online. Goal was to learn Data Science, and especially Machine Learning, to try to create tools to help improve weather forecasts. GPA: 4.0

2016 - 2017

Bachelor's Degree

Did a 3+1 program through College of DuPage and Lewis University where the first 3 years was taught by College of DuPage instructors and earned an A.A.S degree, then did the final year through Lewis University instructors, but taught online or at the College of DuPage campus. Bachelor of Science in Computer Science with a GPA of 3.87. Deans List for Fall 2016 and Spring 2017.

2010 - 2016

Multiple Associate Degrees and Certificates

Attended College of DuPage (COD) until I was certain of an education path I enjoyed. Decided to focus on Meteorology and Computer Science. Earned multiple Associate Degrees relating to Computer Science, a certificate related to Meteorology and multiple certificates related to Computer Science. Also earned Geospatial Information Service (GIS) certificate where we used ESRI software.

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